Charles U. Zug
American Institutions and American Political Development
Demagogues in American Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2022).
Dwight Eisenhower and the Federal Highway Act (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 2024).
Journal Articles
"Creating a Demagogue: The Political Origins of Daniel Shays' Erroneous Legacy in American Political History," American Political Thought 10, 4 (Fall 2021): 601-628.
“Support for Nationalization and State Building in the Early American Republic: The Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen,” Journal of Law and Courts 9, 2 (Fall 2021): 283–304.
“The Republican Theories of Rousseau and the American Anti-Federalists,” Australian Journal of Politics & History 66, 2 (2020): 181-199.
“Could Political Science Become Diagnostic? Restoring a Forgotten Method,” Perspectives on Political Science 48, 1 (2019): 56-63.
“Conceptual Weaponization and the Study of the Presidency,” Interpretation 47, 1 (Fall 2020): 211-218.
“Diagnosing the Blinding Effects of Trumpism,” Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society.
“The Rhetorical Presidency Made Flesh: A Political Science Classic in the Age of Donald Trump,” Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30, 3-4 (2018): 347-368.
“Demagoguery as Pathology: Interpreting European Politics Today,” Perspectives on Political Science (2019).
Commentary (selected)
"Demagogues in American Politics," The Constitutionalist (10-3-2022).
"Justice Alito Needs to Stop Demagogic Post-Roe Comments," RealClear Public Affairs (8-9-2022).
"President Biden Needs a Covid Plan," The Constitutionalist (4/27/2022)
"A Trumpian Third Party?" The Constitutionalist (5/25/2021).
"Rhetorical Duty and the Constitutional Order," The Constitutionalist (2/18/2021).
"Between Demagoguery and Populism," Law & Liberty (10/03/2019).
(with Connor M. Ewing) “What happened to the State of the Union address?” The Washington Post (01/30/2018).